What are the benefits of automated broiler farming

With the development of chicken breeding, automated broiler breeding has gradually developed from ground-level breeding to three-dimensional cage breeding. Especially in many countries, due to the lack of land and the emergence of factory chicken breeding, Automatic broiler cage equipment breeding is widely use. Not only is the scale large, but it also saves manpower and material resources. Taking the broiler cage as an example, its benefits are shown in the following aspects:



1) High level of automation in broiler cages: automatic feeding, drinking water, cleaning manure, wet curtain cooling, centralized management, automatic control, saving energy, reducing artificial feeding costs, and greatly improving the breeding efficiency of farmers.

2) The chicken flock is well-prevented and effectively prevents infectious diseases: the chicken does not touch the feces, which can make the chicken grow more vigorously and provide a clean and warm growth environment for the chicken, and the slaughter time is much earlier.

3). Save the space and improve the stocking density: the cage density is more than 3 times higher than the horizontal density.

4) Frugal breeding feed: Broiler cages can save a lot of breeding feed. Chickens are kept in cages, so the amount of exercise is reduced, the energy consumption is low, and the waste of feed is reduced. The materials indicate that cage breeding can effectively save more than 25% of breeding costs.

5) Time saving: It is convenient for breeding users to manage livestock and poultry, saving more time to deal with other things.



Take the three-layer Fully automatic battery cage as an example, (1) caged chickens can be installed more than ground chickens, and house use is more economical. (2) The chicken cage do not touch the ground or feces, which is good for the prevention and control of various parasites and other infectious diseases. (3) Cage-bred chickens are clean and well managed. (4) Cage-raised chickens are convenient for mechanized breeding, saving labor, reducing labor intensity and so on.

In short, caged chickens have many advantages over raising them on the ground. Both chicks and grown chickens can be raised in cages.
