Several factors affecting the amount of chicken drinking water
Water is one of the nutrients necessary for chickens to stay healthy and productive. Chickens lack water for shorter periods of time than feeds. Chickens usually drink 1.25 to 2.5 times more than food intake. When the ambient temperature, the composition of the diet, the condition of the chicken, and the water quality change, the amount of water in the chicken in the chicken cages for sale will be affected.
When the temperature increases, the drinking water of the chicken increases. When the ambient temperature is below 0 °C, the drinking water of the chicken decreases. When the ambient temperature is 0 °C~20 °C, the drinking water of the chicken does not change much; when the ambient temperature is higher than 20 At °C, the drinking water of the chicken began to increase; when the ambient temperature was 35 °C, the drinking water of the chicken was 1.5 times that of the normal drinking water (at 20 °C). However, there are indications that the sudden change in ambient temperature causes the change in drinking water of the chicken to be temporary, and it will return to normal after the chicken is adapted.
The drinking water of chickens increases with the increase of their age. The drinking water of laying hens will suddenly increase due to their sexual maturity. However, once the peak of egg production has passed, the increase of their age will no longer directly affect the drinking water. influences. The higher the egg production rate of the chicken during laying, the greater the amount of water it drinks. It is generally believed that for every 10% increase in the egg production rate of chickens, the amount of water consumed will increase by 12 ml. If the egg production rate is 50%, the water consumption per egg chicken is 170 ml per day. When the egg production rate rises to 80%, the daily water consumption increases to 206 ml.
When the water temperature rises, the drinking water of the chicken has a tendency to decrease, and the drinking water of the chicken has an important influence on the composition of the feces. Increasing the amount of drinking water of the chicken will increase the moisture content of the feces, thereby making the litter moist, which is not conducive to the growth of the chicken,Always clean the equipment in the house and poultry farm equipment cost in nigeria and the egg is easily stained. Once the drinking water of the chicken exceeds 2.5 times of its feed intake, the chicken manure will become soft and thin, which will seriously affect the growth and laying of the chicken.
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