Feeding management points of caged broilers

1. Equipment use

Large and medium-sized chicken farms have advanced poultry feeding equipment, but with advanced equipment, it is not always possible to raise chickens. With the increasing scale and automation, breeding failures are not uncommon. The key lies in people and equipment. The organic combination, the operator must not only be familiar with the principle of the equipment, but also diligent observation, because the temperature of the temperature controller and the chicken house have a certain error, the error value should be adjusted to the minimum, so that the temperature of the house Adjust the temperature at which the chicken is most suitable for growth. In addition, the operator must be proficient in the use of the equipment and the feeding procedures of the chicken at various stages, and can promptly discover and repair the equipment failures. Once the equipment is used improperly or the equipment fails, It will cause huge economic losses.

2. Drinking water

After the chicks enter the house, they can ensure that they can drink water within 2 hours. For some weak seedlings, they can be used to drink water by artificial pouting. The purpose is to let the chicks learn to drink water as soon as possible. In addition, the height of the automatic drinking fountain should be moderate, the dripper is too low, the chick will stand in the water receiving cup of the dripper and get wet, the dripper is too high, the weak chick can not drink water; in addition, the drinking water line should be properly adjusted. Pressure reducing valve, the pressure is too high, the chicks are afraid to avoid, and also waste water resources, the pressure is too small, the end of the chicks drinking water may not meet the standard. As the age of the chicken increases, the water pressure is appropriately increased. The first time the chicks drink water, use 25 °C warm water, add 5% glucose and 0.1% vitamin C in the water. The drinker should be washed frequently. The whole brooding period, the drinking water can not be interrupted. From the second day of brooding, the anti-chick is added to the drinking water. White peony drugs.

3. Feeding

After entering the house, the chicks must first drink water and then feed. This is beneficial to the digestion of the chicks. After drinking for 2 to 3 hours, the feed is placed in the opening tray for feeding the chicks. The average breeding of the chicks is 25 chickens. Small troughs must be fed less frequently to prevent feed contamination and mildew. The food trough is usually used for about seven days, then the trough is changed, and the long trough area is large. When the end is eaten, the feed is reduced. The speed begins to slow down, so it is necessary to use a brush to sweep the feed to the side close to the chicken, which is good for the chicks to eat and prevent the feed from becoming moldy. In the first 10 days, feed 6-8 times a day. In order to make the chicks have a good food effect, the feed is best when it is eaten immediately but not eaten. The chicks were regularly and quantitatively fed according to the feeding standard for the first three days to prevent the broiler from growing too fast, resulting in incomplete development of the immune organs, so that the chickens had poor disease resistance in the later stage, and they were free to eat three days before the trip.

4. Lighting

Stereo breeding hen house using artificial light, easy to control the lighting time, seven days before the brood, generally USES the 24 hours of light and gradually drop for 22 hours later, the goal is to make chicks habits dark environment, not chickens panic caused by sudden blackouts and extrusion casualties occur, and then a week before such light gradually increased to 24 hours.
