How to raise chickens with chicken cages?

With the continuous development of the chicken industry, the methods and benefits of raising chickens have been carried out and changed in recent years. Now the chicken industry is using chicken cages to raise laying hens and broilers. Many farmers do not understand why using chicken cages to raise chickens can increase the efficiency of raising chickens. Here is a detailed description of how farmers use chicken cages to increase the benefits of raising chickens.

1. Chicken battery cages raise the density of chickens: the multi-layer feeding mode used in chicken cages. That is to say, in the same area of the chicken house, the use of chicken cages and the use of flat breeding can raise a large number of breeding. Reasonable use of the area of the chicken house to improve the density of chickens, first of all, to increase the efficiency of raising chickens for the farmers.

2. Use chicken cages to raise chickens to save feed: use chicken cages to raise egg broilers. The chickens live in a limited space for a long time. The range of activities is relatively small, so the amount of exercise will be less. The energy consumption of egg broilers is less than that required by nature. The feed will not be too big, so that the nutrients in the feed can be better absorbed into the body, improve the utilization of feed, reduce feed dregs and cost, and reduce the cost is to add chicken benefits.

3. The use of poultry battery cages to raise chickens can reduce the cost of hiring manpower: the use of chicken cages to raise chickens, although the number of chickens is increased, but the number of people who are more likely to raise and raise the demand for nourishment will not be added or even reduced, because the chickens are raised. In the cage, it is convenient for the farmers to raise and manage them, and it is more convenient to investigate the situation of the chickens in each group of chicken cages, and together with several chicken raising equipment, one can guard 10,000 chickens.

4. The use of chicken cages to raise chicken eggs is higher than the ratio: the egg-to-egg ratio is a key factor for the raising of the laying hens. The use of chicken cages to raise the laying hens can be considered as the ratio of the eggs to the broilers. In the cage, it can absorb the nutrients in the feed well, make it play a better production function, add the egg production, and add the benefit of the laying hens to the breeders.

The above four points are described for the farmers, how to use the chicken cage to raise chickens is how to improve the efficiency of raising chickens. There are many advantages to using chicken cages to raise chickens. Farmers can increase the efficiency of raising chickens as long as they use chicken cages reasonably. Therefore, chicken cages can be favored by many farmers, and have become a prevailing trend in the breeding industry.
